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Wind Energy Products

Smart and Sustainable Solutions

Smarter energy infrastructure is increasing the use of digital technologies, that will have greater flexibility to balance energy supply and demand.

The smarter infrastructure will help people to integrate more renewables into the energy system.  Innovations in digital technology allow for two-way communication between suppliers and households, with smart meters and smart grids creating contact points in every home, making energy distribution more efficient. They provide the system with information to add more capacity when needed, change our electricity consumption patterns, and make it easier to add electric vehicles (EVs), solar panels, wind turbines, and heat pumps to the energy system.


Light Smart Solution Consultants can advise and supply sustainable energy efficient products, provide project management and contractors to site.

Wind Power Solutions 

 Wind power  is a form of renewable energy that uses the movement of air to generate electricityWind energy is produced by wind turbines, which are devices that have blades attached to a rotor that spin when the wind blows, there are also innovative products to harness wind energy using bladeless turbine technology 


Wind energy is a carbon-free energy source that does not emit greenhouse gases and a wind turbine provides a reliable source of electricity for all types of applications. The three blade construction optimises this wind turbine for use in areas with moderate to high wind speeds. Options available for stationary applications (remote, off-grid, backup) as well as for mobile use (e.g. boats and campervans).

A wind turbine is also the perfect addition to any solar charging kit to supplement energy production particularly useful for charging at night time or in areas with reduced sunlight. 

Our consultants can provide project management, full design and installation solutions.

View available products for purchase in the shop or book a consultation.

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